At first, my mum felt the reluctuncy (is there such a word?) of having a cat at home. Giving excuses like they are smelly, dirty whatsoever.
Well, we (me and my sis') begged and begged and begged her so that we cound have a cat at home. At last, she gave a green light!!!
The first ever cat we brought home was a black entirely. His name was Goliwalk. I should say he was short-lived. About 2 weeks after we brought him home, he died, out of shock probably. My sis said that he died because we bathed him once a week, which shouldn't be the case! The cat would probably startle at water. We, then planted (in other words, buried) him, right behind our block. Hahh.
We mourned over the accident, =(. After about one week, my sis heard some crying at the window, it turned out to be our next cat, we asked for acquiescence from my mum. Agreed lor.
And here he is, still here living with us: Honeystar. I don't understand why they named him like that, he doesn't even look like my former favourite food tho. He's black and white in appearance. My mum called him "good-looking"! I was like "what the..."
His name was also Honey-stunner, cos he stuns a lot, like jumping from one place to another like a monkey. Hahh.
He is also the naughty one. He bites people often, including me. Sometimes you'll see scars on my hand tho. And the picture you see on top was taken by me, =).
And also, my mum even claimed that he was my mum's best friend. Everynight he will not fail to be at her side. Hur.
About one month after, an uncle of mine brought us a special surprise. Another cat. His name was Sunkiss. Yes, indeed his fur was a mixture of orange and white. CUTE!
Well, my uncle told us that he found it at his doorstep, he's lieing, we found out. Hur. Actually he found it at the void deck, very petitely figured, but now as you can see, he is as corpulent as me (oops, did I broke my secret?)
Thus, because of it's similar properties as me, he was particularly devoted to me. =)
OK. Now the next cat we smuggled into our house was similar to the first one. His name is Chocolate. I really dont understand why they named it like that. He is not even chocolate, only balck and white. Unfortunately, after about three months, he is now lost in the "jungles". Yeah, he escaped! If you see him, please report it to the nearest police centre or my home which is:
Blk **...
We moaned over this! Haiz, then we got another cat. Named Friendly. He's friendly though. Sometimes he would turned over so that we cound see his white stomach. Cute!
OK. That's all folks. All the blabberings and craps. It's me out