GRACIOUSgracious: (adj)
exhibiting courtesy and politeness.Gracious, beficient, benevolent. All about being good and to other people. Producing courtesy is just a simple job. You know. Just by smiling is being nice. There is a saying: Smiling is a charity. Smiling isn't that expensive isn't it. And so other things that you could do to give other people grace.
When someone fails a test, take that initiative to coax him.
When someone needs help in Mathematics, show him the formulae.
When someone wants money, give him.
When someone don't know the way to China, show him the way.
Never be narcissistic. Don't think about yourself. Put others first. You will go nowhere if you're such an egotistic, selfish guy. Biased.
Try looking into the mirror. Ask yourself how much good deed have you done? I am sure you have done something good right? If no, now is the time to do good things. Be gracious. Affable. Start by giving your mother or father some token of appreciation. You mather is the one who unweariedly gave birth to you. Giving them a massage is a good initiative after a draining day's work. They will definitely be proud of you. They will be feeling relieved to know that you cared for them. Do you ever know why must they go to work? Ask yourself. Do you even know why must they scold you after you have done a bad deed? Ask yourself. Are you expecting some halcyon advice from them after you do something they don't wish you to do?
They are trying their best to bring you up. They are giving you grace. Now think. Are you going to reply them with a harsh note?
Are you going to blame others for your lost book? Are you going to blame others about your failure in Mathematics? Are you going to tell mum that you are going for a class meeting when you were enjoying yourself at a shopping centre? Are you going to tell your father that you just drank a bottle of mineral water when you just drank Coke? Are you going to have 'D' for all of your subjects in the exams while you had 'A' for all of your subjects last year? Be responsible.Be righteous. Have resolutions. It is all about being gracious, man.
Afterall, being gracious is actually having a good
attitude: (noun)
state of mind or feelingHave you ever given that someone love?